Weekly Episodes
100% Dividend Growth Investing
Should I buy? Should I sell? Or Should I stand pat? The market should never dictate how or when you invest. By increasing your confidence levels, you will invest with more conviction, save time, and eliminate many of your dilemmas. Everybody deserves a happy retirement. Mike Heroux from The Dividend Guy Blog is not only a passionate investor, but he is also pretty good at explaining how the market works and how you can make your money work more effectively for you. For these weekly discussions, Mike is supported by co-host Vero, his core business manager and long-time partner at Dividend Stocks Rock.
The information contained in this podcast should not be considered buy or sell recommendations. Please read the full disclaimer here.
What to Expect
This podcast covers all aspects of dividend growth investing. The clearer and more detailed your investing methodology, the easier it is to stick to your plan and avoid potential pitfalls. Supported by dividend stock examples, facts, and a well-tested investing strategy, you will receive his best advice on how to properly respond to market fluctuations; how to build your dividend growth investing portfolio; and, how to manage that portfolio so you can eventually enjoy a stress-free retirement.
Latest Episodes
Where to Find the Best Stocks: Sectors that Deliver for 2025 and Beyond
We tackle one of the biggest struggles for investors in the current market—finding the right stocks to buy without overpaying. No one wants to buy high and sell low, so we’re focusing on three key sectors that offer strong opportunities for 2025 and beyond.
Beyond FIRE: Liquid’s Journey, Challenges, and Life After Work
We reconnected with Liquid, who achieved FIRE at 35. But what happens after the dream is realized? We dive into his life post-FIRE and discuss how he manages his time, finances, and investments. Liquid opens up about unexpected challenges and the reality of maintaining purpose beyond a career.
How Much Debt is Too Much Debt
Debt can make or break a company, so investors must understand how to analyze it. In this episode, we uncover the advantages and risks of debt, explain key ratios, and share concrete examples of companies handling debt well—or poorly.
Stocks to Buy in 2025 – Part 2
We continue our Stocks to Buy mini-series with our Top 3 Canadians and their industry. Listen until the end to get a bonus… Let us know which one you have your eyes on for 2025!
Stocks to Buy in 2025 – Part 1
To help you achieve your 2025 investment goals, here are some of our best stocks to buy. We cover our Top 3 US Dividend Growth Stocks and their industry; next time, we’ll hit the Canadian ones.
Investing at 14 and FI by 20 – Emmanuella’s Inspirational Story
Emmanuella is not yet an adult but aims to reach financial independence by her 20s! She will share her uncommon story, goals, and investment process. What strikes us the most about her, though, is her focus and engagement with her objectives.
How to Invest in 2025 Series
Transform your portfolio into a fortress this year with our How to Invest in 2025 series! From December 30th to January 3rd, we will have 10 to 15-minute daily episodes filled with small and easy actions to make you confident about your 2025 investment plan.
5 Tips for a Successful Transition to Retirement
Retirement is a great but challenging transition in one’s life. We offer our best tips for making it successful.
What Happy Retirees All Have in Common
What’s the key to a successful retirement? What do happy retirees all have in common? It all starts with a vision and a plan… the rest is in the episode!
Questions to Ask Yourself Each Year
Now is the perfect time to review your portfolio for the year. We have a canvas for you to use and leave nothing aside.
Most Popular Episodes
- Why Should You be a Dividend Growth Investor and Nothing Else
- How to Invest $100K Today
- Top 5 US Dividend Stocks to Hold Forever
- The Best High-Yield 4%+ Yield Stocks
- Top 5 Canadian Stocks to Hold Forever
More Episodes
- Too Rich to Be Stressed – An Interview with Dividend John
- My Thoughts on 35 Stocks Part 1
- 10 Stocks I Would Never Invest In
- FIRE and Dividend Investing with Bob Lai Aka Tawcan
- Best Opportunities from the Dividend Rock Star List
- The Best Dividend Achievers
- Is It Time to Sell Your REITs?
- Why I’m Not a Millionaire
- Who is Vero and How Does She Invest
- Cracking the Code: The Ideal Portfolio Allocation
- Why Low-Yield, High-Growth Stocks Matter at Retirement
About Mike
Since 2003, Mike has been 100% invested in equities. He shifted his entire portfolio into a dividend growth investing strategy in 2010. Mike worked in the financial industry for several years, including 5 years as a certified financial planner and 5 years as a private banker. He decided to leave the corporate banking world at age 35 because his ultimate goal was to help more investors succeed. In 2013, he founded Dividend Stocks Rock, a service that now guides around 3,000 investors down the path of success using a Dividend Growth Investing model. He is followed by over 55,000 people and counts 13,000+ webinar attendees to date.
About Vero
Vero completed her Communications college degree in 2007. During the first years of her career, she mainly worked in the marketing field for a newspaper and a large high-end furniture store, where she learned to adapt to the fast-changing advertising world. In 2010, she made the bold move of working in the “blogosphere” alongside Mike. This life-changing decision opened the doors of dividend growth investing for Vero. She quickly turned into Mike’s second brain and has held the Core Business & Marketing Manager position since the foundation of Dividend Stocks Rock in 2013. Throughout the years, she has discovered a high interest in investing and believes in investors’ empowerment.
Full disclaimer: The information contained within this podcast is for informational purposes only and it is not intended as a recommendation of the securities highlighted or any particular investment strategy; nor should it be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security. In addition, this information is not represented or warranted to be accurate, correct, complete, or timely. The securities mentioned in this podcast may not be suitable for all types of investors and the information contained in this podcast does not constitute advice. Before acting on any information in this email, readers should consider whether such an investment is suitable for their particular circumstances, perform their own due diligence, and if necessary, seek professional advice.