Phew! I just got back from 2 back-to-back trips! One was a family vacation at Virginia Beach (just before Irene) and the second one was a Lover’s trip in New York City (right after Irene!). This is why my posting schedule has slowed down a little over the past weeks! But now I am back in business and ready to write more articles. While I was on vacation, a fellow blogger, Dividend Mantra, poked me to participate in the 7 links project. The goal of the project is to answer 7 questions regarding our past articles. This gives you an opportunity to read some hidden gems you might have missed in the past year or so.
Your most beautiful post
This is not really a post but I think it is my most beautiful achievement on this blog; my eBook Dividend Investing. Throughout this book, I provide free and comprehensive information on how to start your dividend portfolio and make it grow over time.
Your most popular post
My most popular post of all time is my stock research websites article. It was written by the previous owner of this site, Jeremy, back in 2007. I have updated it myself a few months ago since I wanted to have up-to-date stock websites. I think it’s a great resource where every investor can get a lot of info… for free! More recently, my Canadian REITs articles were welcomed by both readers and search engines.
Your most controversial post
Have you ever dreamed of making $100K per year from your investments? Well, I made some calculations and I show you how to do it in How to build a 6 figure income dividend portfolio with $600 per month. However, there are some obvious catches if you want to reach a 100K in dividend income by investing only $7,200 per year…
Your most helpful post
How to invest with less than $1,000 is probably my most helpful post since I started writing on this blog (summer of 2010). I think it is important to start investing as soon as possible and it is very hard to do it when you have little knowledge and less than $1,000. This article tells you how to start on a good foot and grow your portfolio over time.
A post whose success surprised you
Definitely, 15 things I look at before trading a stock was one of my biggest successes in 2011. This was my first mention in the Daily Crux. On that day, I got over 4,000 visits on this page! Not to mention that it pays well with Adsense ;-0. In my opinion, it was a good post but not an awesome post. Since I published it back in January, I am still receiving Stumble Upon visitors on a weekly basis.
A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved
While it got some attention, I think that my socially responsible dividend portfolio series didn’t get the attention it deserved. I think it’s important to “encourage” social investing and stand behind companies that are working in everybody’s interest. I firmly think it is possible that businesses can make money (and generate great dividends) while taking care of your employees, your clients and the environment. I am well aware that I have made some controversial stock picks with HSE and CVX (both oil related stocks). But still, they are both trying to develop alternative energy sources at the same time. I mean, I can’t really blame them since I have a car myself, right?
Now it’s my turn to ask my fellow bloggers about their best articles. I nominate the following:
Oblivious Investor
What’s your favorite post on The Dividend Guy Blog?
I wanted to add something to this project, I wanted to include YOU in the mix! Tell me what your favorite post is that you have read this year on The Dividend Guy Blog? What do you appreciate from this blog?
My favorite was : 15 things I look at before trading a stock. Excellent post indeed!
Great job! Thanks for the mention. 🙂
I agree with MoneyCone. Your “15 Things…” post is complete. I definitely can say I share your list and try to cross each one off my list whenever I evaluate a potential purchase.