November is probably the most significant month for my online company as this is when it all started. Back in 2006, I wrote my very first article on The Financial Blogger. Today, I own several financial websites with my best friend and partner in this venture. It has been slightly over a year that I bought The Dividend Guy Blog and I’m very proud of what is happening on this blog these days.
We have built a newsletter with exclusive content (aren’t you not registered yet?)
We have created 2 specifics niche sites about dividend:
What is Dividend – a beginner’s guide to dividend investing
Canadian Dividend Stock – New! A 100% dividend stock site!
We have launched the most comprehensive eBook about Dividend Investing (and it’s free!)
And we recently launched the Dividend Growth Index
I constantly look forward to getting feedback from you, remember that all these initiatives were made after receiving your questions & comments.
This is why I want to THANK YOU! and share the wealth with you by Giving an iPad 2 For Xmas!
During the whole month of November, you will have the opportunity to enter this giveaway and I’ll be announcing the winner in early December (you have until November 30th to participate).
How do I enter the iPad Giveaway?
There are a few ways you can get entries to win the iPad:
Minimum requirement: you need to be a newsletter subscriber:
Extra entries:
20 Entries if you tell me how to improve Canadian Dividend Stock. It’s a new site, your comments are appreciated
10 Entries if you tell me what you like about my Dividend Investing eBook (you can download it for free here)
10 Entries if you tell me what you like about The Dividend Guy Blog (it can be done in the same comment below)
5 Entries if you Retweet this article using: Tell us what you like about dividend investing and you could win an iPad 2 @thedividendguy
5 Entries if you link back to this article from your site
Again, you must be a newsletter subscriber to win and you have until December 1st to participate.
I’m really looking forward to reading all your comments!
Canadian Dividend Stock improvement: Add a contact button at the top? This way readers can send you ideas on what to write about! (btw, i’m excited to check the site out further!)
The eBook: I really like how the ebook flows naturally. It is a great read for all dividend investors (like me!).
As for TDG, I liked the series on socially responsible investing.
Already subscribed (just tweeted)…
I like the analysis and round ups on DGB. The round ups allow me the opportunity to let you vet the work.
I think your Canadian Dividend Stock website is great. I know a lot of readers will be glad to see something dedicated to Canadian dividend stocks. I think you’ve created great lists (best, top 100, high growth, etc…) and they have all the info that most dividend investors want to see. My only suggestion would be to highlight those lists by linking to them in your header. If you keep them updated I think you’ll see a lot of regular returning visitors to those pages.
I’d also suggest adding a Canadian REIT list like you have here:
Subscribed and tweeted.
Love the design of the ebook! (I’m slightly biased since i did the design!) Also love the solid information inside the ebook – great for new and slightly more advanced dividend investors.
as far as Canadian Dividend Stock site, Only thing I might change is something that will come naturally with time – adding more content. Since the site is so new still it doesn’t have a ton of content, but I know that will change.
Tweeted from @SocialMediaJob:!/SocialMediaJob/status/136109361557811200
I like that you actually have an eBook, first off. I havent read it yet… so.
As a Canadian living in the states, I like keeping up on this sort of thing, so frankly, thats what I like most about this site – I know general…
Congrats! ~Dave
I subscribed and I tweeted!
I tweeted about this awesome iPad? Amazing.!/FrugalBeautiful/status/136206072770863104
Wow, awesome stuff!!/myownadvisor/status/136242889020801024
Signed up as well.
What I like about your ebook?
Well, it’s straightforward. It’s well laid out. It’s graphically stimulating. Overall, it’s a great product!
My favourite thing about the DBG, is the new Dividend Growth Index Project. This was an excellent idea and very proud to be associated with it. I’m also a HUGE fan of your TSX Dividend Date and Ex-Dividend Date posts. There are great to filter existing holdings and browse this list for future considerations.
Congrats on having an outstanding site in your online portfolio. You should be proud!
I really appreciated the format you used to present the e-book. It was more like a handout than a book just ful of words. A nice change for an investing book 🙂
As for DGB, I find the stock analyses to be very insightful and a great starter point for my own research, but your more personal stories are my favourite.
Oh, and I’ve been a subscriber for ages!
I would change the theme of Canadian Dividend Stock site to something a little more modern and clean.
I like your Investment Process in sidebar. Takes me through the process step by step and easy to navigate.
New email subscriber!
Already subscribed to newsletter.
Improving the site navigation and layout would make it easier to read and search for articles.
For a novice like me, reading your ebook has given me valuable insight on how to start building my dividend portfolio in an easy and clear format.
I like your blog for all the interesting articles and insight that a newbie like me can easily understand and gain knowledge along the way.
Hey, just signed up for the newsletter.
The eBook was actually one of the first investing books I read, I like how it was easy to understand for beginners like me!
What I like about this blog? Well I like how you explain your thought process for making decisions so that I can follow along. I also love the stock analysis, keep it up!
I also linked this post on my site:
Canadian Dividend Stock improvement: I would put a section up about how tax issues may affect say someone in the US investing in Candadian dividend stocks, as well as how currency fluctuations may affect the investment.
The eBook: I enjoy the simplicity of this book.
The Dividend Guy: I like finding new investment ideas on this site, as I am a dividend investor.
Like your Investment Process, very useful walkthrough of how to start investing.
For the the Canadian Div Blog I think a different layout would be good, reminds me too much of TFB. Setting it apart would be a good idea I think, I include in that a new page header. I don’t think the picture works well.
I’m a subscriber to the newsletter. Keep up the good work. Would love the iPad2.
The dividend guy blog is one of the first websites I found on dividend investing. What I learned here about dividend investing is part of my base strategy!!/LoonieBinBlog/status/136613191408029696
Your ebook was very detailed and I love the inclusion of Star Wars!
“May the Dividend Force be with you all”
I would love to see posts of dividend increases from Canadian companies on Canadian Dividend Stock.
Good luck with the new sites, Mike!
Here’s how you can improve Canadian Dividend Stock.
1. Add Facebook, Twitter and Google+ links.
2. Add categories and/or tags to make finding content easier.
What I liked about the eBook was how easy to read it was. I was able to follow the tips provided and I really managed to get a solid grasp of the topic.
Create an RSS feed as well as a Mobile Site. Very handy for those of us on iPhones and Blackberry’s.
Another few thoughts…allow for Canadian Dividend Stocks to be requested for review.
site improvement:
have a shorter intro and try to get the sidebar links (stock analysis, etc) more front and center. They look like very useful resources!
What I like about the e-book? I like the detailed introduction for the novice investor and the progression into the ever important (and overlooked) asset allocation. The quantitative rules that you use for screening stocks were very good too.
What I like about The Dividend Guy Blog? I like the honest sharing of your investment experiences (good and bad) and I like the roundup where you post all the high yielding stocks along with payout ratio, etc.
1) The candian dividends blog looks very interesting. As an american reader I would love to know how to invest these and how the tax implications are. Also Canadian REITS & MLPs and how the new rules affect us would be great links or topics to feature
2) Dividend Investing ebook – For beginners this is the best way to get started into the world of dividend investing. The arrangement and organization of the information is nicely done and makes it an easy read without having a strong background in finance.
3) The blog – The articles esp the technical analysis of the dividend players are my favorite. You do a real good job of going over the various metrics to look at while picking one over he other. The feasability of 6% or above stocks are nice reads. It would be nice to see how your dividend yield has increased over the time you have started investing as well.
I have also tweeted the article over here!/k4shif/status/136855436434477057
and linked from my blog =>
What’s there not to like about an iPAD giveaway?
1) improve Canadian Dividend Stock by removing some of the ads (however, they don’t bother me, and I like income as much as you do)
2) re: book – I think the book does a great job of the basics to help someone get started in a great way of investing.
3) div blog – I like that it gives me a regular shot of info, in nice bite sizes chunks.
4) will tweet later
I like reading about your portfolio. I get some interesting idea since not many blogs I read talk about canadian equities.
(New Site, CDS) From a design pt of view, nothing quite catches my eye. It looks like one big paragraph so far and I don’t know what to read first. Maybe condense the points into more digestible portions
(about this blog) I like that you incorporate your own experiences in an approachable way
(ebook) It’s not that difficult to understand for a beginner like me
The dgb is easy navigate, well organized and filled with tons of useful information. Keep up the good work.
Already a subscriber.
Your blog could include analysis and recommendations of dividend ETFs.
I love the name of the blog with Dividend in it. Key for how I found it.
The ebook was perfect for sharing with a younger friend who is interested in learning basics of dividend investing. The explanations were so much better than I could have done. Great job.
I am interested in your analyis of dividend stocks for stock screening (aristocrats, divey growers, sustainable dividend stocks). That is what keeps me coming back.
Will have to check out your Cdn dividend site. I need to add more Cdn div payers, and need to add to my research of those for my TFSA.
Just subscribed to your newsletter.
One thing that I like about the Dividend Guy blog is the articles / blog round-ups.
New subscriber, still stuck reading on your other blog, The Financial Blogger. I’m just a beginner here and your content is easy to follow. Your ebook was as well.
ways to improve site? – shorter write ups with detailed examples
re your ebook – I like that it is easy to read and the info doesn’t go over my head.
re blog – I like how you add your personal experience in it.
Just signed up for the email newsletter, thanks!
Also tweeted from my account (Debt_Princess)
I think the static post on the front page of Canadian Dividend Stock Blog Should be broken up a bit more. Maybe into a few smaller posts. And there’s a lot of negative space at the bottom of the page that could be filled in.
Canadian Dividend Stock would be improved by having an RSS feed to subscribe to. Or if it already exists, make it more apparent. I see the email subscription but that’s not that attractive.
The thing I like about the Dividend Guy is that it is Canadian based. You likely could use a maple leaf toward the top to convey this (although that might lose you some traffic from the big market to our south).
1-This may seem counterintuitive to the name of the site but if there was also a list of the top 100 US yield dividend stock on there. I like to compare both of them to figure out my next purchase.
2-The book was a great read and somewhat addicting as I read it in one sit down. It definitely reaffirmed what I was doing right in my own dividend portfolio but also what I could and need to do in order to make great.
3-This website, Dividend Ninja, and Dividend Mantra I always seem to visit every day before anything else on the web. I really enjoy the collection of different articles found on this website plus I have made some purchases based on your posts…HSE
I like this. This is very cool and interesting
linked to contest here:
* I’ve re-tweeted your article (@RoyalOakGirl)
* Improve Canadian Div Stock by: removing Adsense from top – if you must leave it, move it down so the site comes up with content visible, not the ads. Also, a bit more content would be nice.
* Dividend Guy Blog – I like that you share very personal info and experiences, good and bad. Makes it very relate-able.
* Dividend Investing ebook – I love all the links for your reference material. Very useful.
* I am already a subscriber to your newsletter.
On the Canadian Dividend site, can you shorten that front page description/paragraph? It is kind of long and people might stop reading halfway through or just skim it.
Tweeted here:!/nzg1983/status/140450794406285313
I like the clean and simple look and layout, and graphs, and my favorite feature is the articles or top links for the week posts.
Just signed up for the newsletter. I am a new reader. It will take me a little while to go through your site and ebook and make comments. Will come to comment later.
linked to contest:
Hi Dividend Guy,
One way to improve the Canadian Dividend Stock is to put a comparison of the “Stocks on the Radar” with top dividend stocks on the US Exchanges. I like to know how the Canadian dividend stocks compare to the top American ones. Also you could add Facebook, Twitter and Google+ links.
I found the Dividend Investing eBook too basic for my knowledge but the same aspect was appreciated as I was able to show it to family members who knew nothing about dividend investing.
I subscribe to RSS feeds of your The Dividend Guy Blog via Google Reader. I like the weekly roundups, the Canadian focus, and the stock analyses.
Keep up the good work!
Canadian Dividend Stock improvement: for the stock analyses summary chart with the payout ratio, etc., either set it up to dynamically update, or put a notice about what date that was generated for, since most of them aren’t current.
On Canadian Dividend Stock: I understand your desire to be well-organized. However, is it really necessary to have two rows of tons of organizational links on the left as well as a navigation bar on the top? You’ll have more space spent on guiding through your side than you have content…
On your site: Thanks for making this readable to the general public in an easy-to-read way!
How to improve Canadian Dividend Stock? In my mind, the most important thing for it is to grow up some more; there just isn’t that much content yet.
What I like about this blog is that you go into the nuts and bolts of how you decide what to invest your money in.
I retweeted about this a while back here:!/alee67/status/136133522720169984