Let’s jump into the top dividend hits!
1. Dividends versus Homemade Dividends @ DGI.
2. Current Dividend Vs Cost of Purchase Dividend Yield @ DSA.
3. Does it Make Sense to Increase Your Cents? @ SFN.
4. Top 100 Websites For Saving Money in Canada @ Grocery Alerts.
5. 3 Easy Steps To Saving Enough Money For Retirement @ Dividend Ninja.
6. Artio Assets Offer Opportunity @ Barel Karsan.
7. The 7 Step Roadmap To Building Your Own Dividend Portfolio @ IS.
8. Just Because It’s a Good Company Doesn’t Mean It Is a Good Stock @ Canadian Finance Blog.
9. Carnival of Financial Planning @ Good Financial Cents.
10. Carnival of Personal Finance #384 – Time for a Laugh Edition
How are you adding more shares to your portfolio? Do you wait for the dips or you are investing regularly no matter what the stock is doing?
I’m all in with dividend growth stocks as well. I like the security the dividends give me during a bear market. These companies also tend to be leaders in thier industries and I trust that they will continue performing well long into the future. They may not explode giving me astronomical returns like some small cap growth stocks but I am content aiming for a nice steady return year in and year out from solid safer companies.
Sorry my comment is supposed to be for the most recent article about investing your next 10k in dividend stocks. Not sure how I ended up on this article.