You are about to retire or simply search to generate higher income from your portfolio? Chances are you will be looking for companies paying yield over 4-5%. Such higher yields usually come with higher risk. You don’t really want that if you are looking for a stable income. Good news; a few sectors come with higher yield without the higher risk. Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) could be a good solution for income seeking investors. As REITs must distribute 90% of their taxable …
Secret Resources Page!
Hello fellow investor, Welcome to this “secret investing resources page”. Make sure to bookmark this page as it may very well be your research center reference. While this page cannot be taken as a source for stock recommendations, this is the perfect starting point to build or improve your portfolio. I wanted to create an oasis of stock and strategies ideas for both the U.S. and Canadian markets. Dividend Rock Stars List The list is updated monthly, but I suggest you download it …
Falling Knives… or Opportunities for You to Catch!
Imagine you throw a knife in the air to impress people around you and you try to catch it as it rapidly falls. If you succeed, you look like a pro. If you fail, you will catch the blade and cut yourself. Picking a stock rapidly dropping on the market is like catching a falling knife. Some stocks will bounce back and make a great investment, others will continue to drop and bleed your portfolio. Therefore, we call a stock that is brutally dropping a falling knife. As you can imagine, not all …
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Now It’s Time to Sell… 4 Tricks to Know When to Sell
You know what’s as hard as knowing the right time to buy for an investor? Trying the right time to sell! Last week I shared my tricks to get rid of the paralysis by analysis syndrome, which was designed into a series of 6 steps to follow in order to get into the right mindset and start investing instead of waiting on the side line. Now that we have faced a mini correction and that some sectors are still get kicked around (REITs, MLPs and Utilities anyone?), some investors are getting anxious …
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The Most Boring Part of Dividend Growth Investing
I can recall the face of my assistant when I was dancing around the printer, waiting desperately to read those quarterly reviews. A pile of numbers, charts and a good coffee and I was the happiest man on earth. Wow… this is boring! She kept telling me. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been passionate about numbers and how they work together, especially when there is a dollar sign in front of them. I will never write it enough on my blog; the secret of investing is a solid plan. The problem …
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3 things that scare me for 2018
I’m known to be an optimist, a guy that will always tell you that today is the best day to invest your money… since you missed yesterday! While I’m confident that I will have another great year in the stock market, I’m also not a lunatic with pink glasses either. Unfortunately, there are some dark clouds rising at the moment which concern me. Here are three things that scare me the most in 2018. 01 Canadian Debt Level & Housing Market I’ve been concerned about the Canadian housing …