I have developed a watch list of dividend paying stocks that I am going to keep track of going forward. This list is mostly quelled from Michael Sivy’s Sivy 70. I basically took his list, and filtered the stocks that are on either the Mergent’s Dividend Achiever list or the S&P Dividend Aristocrats. This list is the behemoths of business that have huge market caps. However, in my opinion, building a core portfolio around any of these stocks could be a good strategy. My next step will be to determine my buy ranges for each of these stocks.
Awesome work on this list!
This looks like a very useful list. Or at least very useful as a starting point. I hold 5 of those stocks at the moment. I have been watching MMM’s price sag lately and have been wondering if it’s worth adding some shares there, as they are also due to raise their dividend.
Hey Mark,
I took a hard look at MMM after it fell and decided it was worth the risk. I’ve posted my rationale for buying on my blog if your interested.
Dividend Guy – I’m really impressed with your chart and would just like to ask permission to use it on my own blog (giving you full credit and a link to your original post of course:)