It was a very good week for me so far. I kept my 2015 resolutions going for almost two months now. I now weight 182 lbs (from 198lbs as at January 1st). I work out 4 times a week and never take a break. My account still shows a solid 9.68%, getting closer to the double digit return already! I’m pretty happy as my two benchmark (VIG for US stocks and XDV for Canadian stocks) are showing respectively +1.53% and -0.64% so far.
It was also a great week for my sites as I published a guest post on Boomer & Echo called 3 False Reasons NOT to Buy a Stock. There are so many reasons why an investor will ignore a company, but some of them are wrong.
I also got mentioned by Sure Dividend in his list of Dividend Investing Resources. If you have missed any of the sites he mentioned, click on the link right away!
Finally, I wrote a MONSTER post about how to build a dividend growth portfolio. I’m sharing my perspective on dividend growth investing and how I build my own portfolio with success.
Other Dividend Reads
Be prepared, it’s a busy week!
Lanny from Dividend Diplomats is sharing her anxiety to buy new stocks. I know the feeling as when I have cash in my investing account, it burns my hand and I have to make a purchase. However, I usually keep a list of 5-6 interesting buys to make sure I don’t burn myself in a stupid trade just for the sake of trading.
Now, we are moving from anxiety to regrets! Div Hut name regret as its main motivator to achieve his goals. The fear of having regret can help you taking action. I personally think it is best to assume your action and never have regrets. My secret is simple; don’t hesitate to take action; you will never regret what you did, only what you didn’t do.
Dividend Engineering reviews Baxter International (BAX). I don’t hold BAX in my personal portfolio, but I selected it for several DSR portfolios. It is a strong company with great upside.
Write your Own Reality bought EMR & JNJ. I’m a big fan of JNJ and I would buy more today if I could. This is one company every dividend investor should hold in their core portfolio.
DivGro bought Starwood Property. It shows a very high yield (8%), but I’m always sceptical about those high yield dividend stocks.
Dividend Growth Investor ask a very important question: What would happen to Berkshire Hathaway after Warren Buffett is gone? Many investors thought Microsoft was Bill Gates or that Apple was Steve Jobs. So far, they were wrong… probably Berkshire Hathaway will survive too!
Dividend Earner makes a list of common investing mistakes to avoid. My favorite is “not understanding what you invest in”. Too many investors buy stocks because they heard of them on the news or from a friend.
Dividend Life buys PG and WPPGY. I always liked PG and always thought it was too pricey… and I simply watch the train go buy and never purchased it while the stock keeps going higher… oh well!
Dividend Yield makes a list of 19 high yield dividend stocks. Is it time to buy AT&T?
Dividend Ladder looks at British Petroleum. It’s definitely time to buy energy stock.
A Special Mention to…
Robert aka The Dividend Dreamer for his interesting trading strategy. You have to start reading toward the middle of the post as he updated the same post with more trades. He basically buys stocks he intends to hold for a while, but quickly trade out if there is a buck to make. His goal? Reaching 1% return on each trade ASAP. I think it’s worth reading because it is completely different from many other investors since he is doing it on dividend stocks.
We are painting our bathroom this weekend and having a poker. The house will shortly be ready to be put on sale (we put the house for sale in May to have 12 months before our departure to sell it). What are you going to do during your weekend?
Another hot list of weekend reads. Gosh, the weekend seem to come faster and faster. Thanks for including DivHut on your list.
Wow, that’s some impressive weight loss, Mike! I’m down about 10 pounds this year. Maybe I need to market my 5-minute workout 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention!
Hey Robb,
thx! I’m on fire since january. I’m trying to reach 175 lbs now (I’m 5’10”). After this point, I don’t think I will be able to get smaller!
Thanks for the mention Mike, plenty of good articles here!
Always an honor to be apart of your website, especially after providing words of wisdom and guidance on the issue. February is almost coming to an end and I’m close to hitting 3 weeks without a real trade, talk about life changing for me. Great list and much appreciated!
Hey Lanny,
don’t worry, you’ll find a good trade to make shortly :-). Personally, I’m more concerned about my investment returned than the number of stock I purchase during the year.
Hi Mike! Thanks for the mention.
Thanks for the mention Mike. It is yet to be seen what will happen to Berkshire after Buffett… But this year’s letter to shareholders should offer some interesting insight.