1. Great Canadian Gaming: Wide Moat, Cheap Price @ Barel Karsan.
2. 10 Potential Dividend Growth Companies Worth Considering @ DGSI.
3. Financial Independence Is Both A Journey And A Destination @ Dividend Mantra.
4. 2013 Goals – 1st Half Update @ PIP.
5. Social Stocks Are Just Getting Started ($FB, $LNKD, $TRIP) @ IS.
6. Mutual Funds is Good for Starters @ Hello Suckers.
7. IBM Corporation – Dividend Fact Sheet @ Dividend Engineering.
8. Revisiting Tracking Portfolio Returns @ My FI Journey.
9. Nucor Corporation (NUE) Dividend Stock Analysis @ DGS.
10. 3 personal finance lessons learned from Detroit’s bankruptcy @ My Own Advisor.
Thanks for the shoutout! Always a pleasure to be mentioned by The Dividend Guy.
Thanks for the mention! Really appreciate it.
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Best regards.