Hello everyone!
As you may have noticed, there weren’t too many articles posted on The Dividend Guy Blog recently. This was because there has been a change of ownership. My name is Mike and I am the blogger behind The Financial Blogger and I will be your new host on The Dividend Guy Blog.
My friend and I own a few other sites (like The Intelligent Speculator which has been mentioned a few times on this blog) and we have strong investing backgrounds. The reason we wanted to purchase The Dividend Guy Blog was that we really like dividend stocks and we thought we could share strategies and thoughts on dividend investing. So you may see a different writing style but we will keep the same objective: talking about dividends!
How to win an iPod Touch?
Since we want to know more about our readers, we thought of hosting this contest to know what you like about this blog and what you would like to see in the upcoming months.
So we are giving away 1 iPod Touch along with 2 certificate of $50 each at Amazon!
How to enter the contest:
You get one entry for each of the following actions:
– Tell us what you want to read about on this blog (comment on this article)
– By registering for The Financial Blogger Newsletter (stock commentary and learn how I make money blogging)
– By linking back to your favorite article of The Dividend Guy Blog article from your own blog.
We will be giving away 1 iPod Touch along with two $50 gift certificates from Amazon. The draw will take place Friday, August 6th.
I’d like to see posts on the relative benefits of dividend investments, as compare to growth. (tax, volatility, etc)
i like information on stock valuation.
I’m a dividend investor who likes to read dividend blogs for tips on strategies, news, valuations and what other investors are up to.
I like reading about diversification, getting information about quality dividend stocks as well information regarding the overall benefits of dividend investments.
I’d like to see a model portfolio of dividend stocks and # of shares held needed to produce $xx,xxx annually. I’d also like to see some very detailed review of a handful of dividend stocks over a course of time.
I would be interested in dividend strategies between investing in actual stocks vs ETFs
I’d like to see more articles that link to my blog. 🙂
I’d like to see analysis of how dividend based strategies have compared to more growth orientated ones, with the tax effects taken into account.
I’d like to see recommendations and analysis of companies offering dividends. As well as stocks with potential dividend growth.
I like to see articles about investors of index funds, new tax info, stratagies for older investors vs younger investors.
I would like to see more articles that link to my blog 😉
I would be interested in thoughts on the role of dividend stocks in a balanced and diversified portfolio.
I would like to see some in depth analysis of specific dividend stocks.
Whoa! Are you guys buying up all the blogs I read?! Will the Dividend Guy be a contributor?
I would like to see more stock/company profiles, Drip info, SPP info, buying strategies etc..
Keep it different than your other blogs. Thanks for the chance to win an iPod Touch!
It might help to have a little, not a lot, on investments such as preferred stocks and convertible bonds.
I linked to your article “Top 10 Investment Tips” here: http://alee67.livejournal.com/10917.html
I like reports on stocks that have long stable dividends
@Mike and DGI…
I want to reply but I just can’t find the words… tsssss
you’ll be included in my roundups 😉 tsss
The Dividend Guy will probably not write on this blog anymore. This is one of the reason he sold it; lack of time!
We will keep it different than TFB, IS and GPT, no worries 😉
I’d like to see a model portfolio for dividend income, and as usual, good dividend paying stock reviews.
A lot of MPT advocates dislike dividends, saying they’d rather have a capital gain in the future than a taxable dividend now. I’d like to see more on the nature of dividends and what they bring to the table in light of their admittedly tax-inefficient nature. Besides current income, why should a long-term investor with many decades to go until retirement care about dividends?
I would like to learn more about DRIPs and the tax consequences/headaches that can arise from investing with DRIPs.
Congrats on the purchase, and I’m looking forward to reading more!
I would like to know more about how dividends effect you tax wise!
Congrats on the purchase! I’d also like to read more about DRIPs, and about dividends in different sectors such as energy, banking, etc….
Wow, nice purchase, I’ve been a follower for years. As far as preferred content I’d like to continue to see Dividend reviews and strategies that aren’t widely covered in the mainstream press. i.e. Energy Trusts, tax implications, etc
And of course, me likey links to my articles as well LOL. I usually link here for my roundups.
I’d like to read about good long-term investing strategies.
Congrats on the new addition to your company!
Always interested in the different strategies around dividend investing!
I want to read that I won a $50 Amazon Card 😉
I’d like more info on historical performers for dividend stocks. Also, information about whether dividend stocks alter your suggested age-based distribution of investments. Thanks, and good luck on the new venture!
How about tips for those who are newbies to buying stocks.
I’d like to learn more about how manage multiple portfolios & balance them. Such as 401K, Roths, personal stocks bonds, especially if they are not all through the same investment firm.
I was referred here by mr. budgets are sexy, he’s my quasi-advisor (and he doesn’t know it).
I’m interested in dividend stocks on the conservative side, I have older parents in their 60’s with some liquid cash to invest. They missed out on retirement due to tough financial decisions, so I’m looking to stabalize their steady income levels.
I love anything personal finance, so more posts with strategies for building emergency funds, ways the average joe and invest, how to pay off debt, different tactics on budgets, etc.
Great blog! Referenced by J. Money over at budgetsaresexy.com
I’d like to see more posts about Benjamin Graham’s thoughts and approach to dividend investing.
Hi Mike,
I would like to read about dividend growth stocks. Especially European as those are often left out on most other sites/blogs.
Good luck with your new blog!
I’m interested in how dividend stock strategies have changed as a result of the recession.
I enjoy the reviews of individual dividend stocks
The posts that catch my eye most are those with dividends you have personally done research on and have added to your portfolio. I hope you deside to keep the ‘Dividend Holdinds’ tab and add to it. I also like reading about different diversification strategies ie: Diversification for the Young vs. Old, shot term vs long term, and so on.
How to posts are always fun to read. Even if I know a lot on the subject I always seem to learn something new.
I look forward to your future posts and wish you great success over and above what you have already accomplished. Unfortunately, I do not have a blog from which I can link to my favorite post here.
Tips on starting from the beginning 🙂
Hey Mike
I’d like to see more posts about global dividend paying equities, especially the ADRs.
I am interested in valuation and fundamental analysis I also like to read well thoughtout analysis of individual companies
Congrats Mike! I’d like to see articles on US dividend growth stocks.
I’d like to know about Canadian companies that have recently raised dividends, and more info on DRIP investing.
Big fan of dividend stocks. Would love to see a real portfolio where you show purchase date, dividends, commissions, taxes, etc. Over time people will really see the power of re-investing dividends into the right companies (as compared to the S&P 500 via the Vanguard S&P 500 Index – a common investment vehicle).
I am trying to do that over at http://followmy529.com, but with index funds and re-balancing as opposed to dividend stocks.
I’m interested in dividend-focused etf’s, but I read pretty much everything 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Yay! Congrats on the acquisition! And thanks for hosting such a great contest.
I would like to see more about dividends, and which ones you would pick or put in your own portfolio. =)
Would like to see more fundamental analysis for picking winning dividend stocks. DRIPs are an interesting topic as well, e.g. is investing into discounted DRIPs offered by some co’s worth it?
I would like to see information specifically on Canadian dividend stocks and dividend-based ETFs. I would also like some information about preferred stocks, such as how to analyze them, as they offer some of the advantages of dividend stocks (ie. regular income) but without the potential for growth. Also, as a rookie, a little general investing information mixed in would not go amiss!
Hey Mike, congrats on your new blog.
Since this is a dividend blog, I would most certainly like to read how one constructs a low beta, high dividend paying portfolio which can serve as a healthy, recurring option for retirement living.
One aspect to look more closely into is dividend stocks in foreign countries. As you may or may not know, many countries such as Brazil and Indonesia can regularly offer 7+ dividend yields given how high their risk free rate is. Is this something one should look into for dividend maximization?
The Yakezie
A good mix of beginner / intermediate dividend investing strategies/ theories. Also the odd review of individual dividend stocks would be great
I want to see posts on dividend stocks that may fly under the radar a bit.
And, of course, links back to my site!
I like any info on dividend stocks, especially when a company increases their dividend.
I would like to see (regularly):
An analysis of a particular dividend stock that you purchased.
Including a look at all the relevant ratios, and expected market forces.
Similarly for a dividend stock that you decided not to buy.
And also for a dividend stock that you held, but decided to sell.
Dividend investing strategies and ideas sounds good.
I would like commentary on diversifying my dividend portfolio. It’s too easy to just load up on large cap banks and utilities. The Financial Post used to have a weekly list of top dividend growth stocks. Many times it included mid-cap stocks that gave me ideas for diversifying.
I would like to see articles focusing on fundamental analysis of dividend stocks, and also posts on portfolio construction, specifically methods of rounding out your portfolio with non-dividend holdings.
I’d like to see analysis of our quality Canadian dividend companies, and see them compared to their Canadian siblings and U.S. counterparts.
I like DRiPs, so anything about these would be nice too!
Sample diversified portfolios of dividend companiesm, for Canadian companies, U.S. companies and international companies.
I have a TFSA and I’d like to know the pros and cons of holding dividend stocks in it. Thanks
Any investing advice you care to share (rather than strictly trading). Dividends, portfolio management, especially geared towards the small time (or starting) investor.
I’d appreciate an insight into whether dividend ETFs (after expenses) offset the gains obtained by picking a bucket of diversified dividend stocks.
I would like to hear more about DRIP and setting up a long term dividend stock portfolio
I’m interested in model protfolio of dividend stocks for Canadians.
I would also like to learn more about the best dividend stocks in the Canadian (and to some extent the US) markets.
i am curious to know what strategies exist to build a retirement income portfolio…. thx
I’d like to see some info on getting started on dividend investing, as well as what a good minimum balance would be to get started. Some focus on us just starting out who are still in the sub 50k amounts.
I would like to see more articles of international companies/stocks!
I’d like to see strategies for starting a dividend portfolio with a small amount of capital. I am in my mid 20’s and want to base my TFSA strategy off of a dividend portfolio. I don’t believe in the stigma that you have to have a whole bunch of money before you get into dividend investing (although it helps you diversify!) and I’d like to see more articles like the “how to start a dividend portfolio on $5,000” which I believe was over at the Intelligent Speculator.
I would like to see articles about Canadian dividend stocks and what’s a good long term dividend stock portfolio.
Thanks for another great contest, Mike! I would like to see a link to a very useful free spreadsheet or program for tracking divvy stocks and ACB’s for same. Also would like regular “Jersey Shore” updates!
Fitting in dividend stocks into a balances & low-cost portfolio. Comparing & contrasting different kinds of dividend investments, like DRIPs, dividend-paying common shares, preferred shares, income ETFs, etc.
I’d like to see the role of dividend stocks in Roth IRA and other retirement accounts
Hi! How about some info on hi yield index funds and etfs; pros, cons, etc. Even some info on prefered funds would be great.
Always interesting to see that these blogs are really businesses…not bad, but not what I had originally thought blogs were for. Nice to see people making/taking opportunities as they arise.
As to what I’d like to see, I’m interested in self directed investing and very very interested in income generating investments – dividends seem the way to go, so information on dividend investments is always welcome.
I would be interested in dividend strategies between investing in actual stocks vs ETFs.
How about a post on what to do with those dividends once you get them: DRIP,TFSA…?
how to get started from the beginning!
I would like to see real life stories of people who are retired and living off dividend stocks. What happened when part of their portfolio stopped paying dividends (bank stocks) or cut them (GE), etc.
I’d like to see articles on dividend and other ETFs, particular as it relates to the market cycle.
Tell me more about the safest and best value Dividend Paying Stocks.
I’d like to see discussion on Dividends from Trusts vs equity stocks and the impact of legislative changes. These seem to be some of the highest return options so obviously there is a down side to them.
More stories on Lady Gaga please.
Len Penzo dot Com
I am interested in learning more about dividend investing
Definitely interested in dividend investing and mutual funds. It’d also be nice to see/talk about safe dividends so that we could set up safe accounts for future generations and have a very predictable outcome.
I’d like to read more about divident investing for long-term goals (retirement).
I’d like to see comparison or charts of dividend stocks and there performance including stock splits.
More taxes info please!
I would love you to post articles about different investing techniques within the dividend realm, and some factual information about which one is best. ie – best to take dividends in cash and reinvest manually? Or set the DRIP and automate it?
Count me in! Looking forward to learning more about dividend investing!! Thanks!
Would like to see more articles on putting together a balanced dividend portfolio. What stocks make up a balanced basket.
I’d like to see more info about dividends for beginners, and advice on how to grow a better portfolio.
Congratulations on the purchase! Looking forward to reading more.
Info on income trusts that will have to convert in 2011 and what effect this will have on distributions.
I like the beginning dividend investing series – more of that would be great, but I would love (love love love) to see Smith Manouevre discussions also. Can’t get enough.
I’d like to know more about quality dividend stocks from countries like Japan and China and the overall investor mindset in East Asian economies.
I would like to see a comparison of the various dividend and preferred share ETFs, and in particular the long term effect of higher or lower management fees.
Great! I’d like to read more regarding ETFs vs. individual dividend stock portfolios.
I would like to see steps on how to do stock analysis
I like the stock analysis. I’m not too quick on understanding it all and this helps me tremendously!
I’d love to learn more about smart long-term investing
I’d like to read about personal investments
Looks like I missed out on the iPod.. what were the results of the contest? What do most people want to see on the blog?
Andy 🙂
I forgot to mention… I’d like to see info on dividends for beginners – how to select stocks with a good dividend to growth ratio… what to look for.
Andy 🙂