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Another month has gone by and it is once again time for the Carnival of Financial Goals. There were a lot of submissions this month and not every one was included, but I tried my best to ensure those that were truly goal related. As I am following brip blap from last month, I thought I needed to get somewhat creative and decided to go with a theme of investing videos. Spread throughout this edition are various investing videos I have seen on YouTube – some are good and some are total garbage – I will let you decide which is which.
One more thing before we get going – editor’s choice articles are marked with a TDG .
The first video for you today is Mary Buffet speaking about Warren Buffett and Long-Term Investing.
Alternative/Passive Income
James D. Brausch presents Failure The Doorway to Success posted at Internet Business Blog.
DotLobby presents What is a Recession? 4 Signs and Symptoms posted at DotMakeMoney, saying, “Of course, you probably could have looked that up yourself, so let’s look at the subject in a more “How does this affect me?” way…”
ThePennySaved presents Career tip #3 – How to get a raise – Guaranteed best guide to salary increase on the web or at least the most entertaining posted at The Penny Saved, saying, “In an ideal world we would all be paid what we think we are worth and no one would ever have to ask for a raise. Then again in an ideal world I would be in cabo drinking a life size margarita right now.”
Ralph Jean-Paul presents Bounce Back After Failure posted at Potential 2 Success, saying, “Some of the most successful people in the world credit their success to a failure they’ve experienced. Bounce back from your failure and you might become one of them. Learn about the different types of failures and how to recover from them successfully.”
TDG Silicon Valley Blogger presents I’ve Left My Job! Tying Up The Loose Ends posted at The Digerati Life, saying, “I wanted to share with you the completion of one of my goals for this year, which was to “retire” from my 9 to 5 job and the corporate world. I did it 4 months ahead of schedule! I am now focusing on independent ways of producing income.”
The next video has to do with debt reduction, with the well known Dave Ramsey talking about his strategies.
Debt Reduction
shawna presents My secret to debt reduction success posted at One Girl’s Quest….
TDG KCLau presents Credit Cards: From Foes to Friends posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “Article discussing what a credit card is all about and how one can avoid credit card debts. It also touches on how one can actually make money from his credit cards.”
paidtwice presents Evaluating Goals for the Student Loan Payoff posted at I’ve Paid For This Twice Already…, saying, “Now that we’ve settled on my spouse’s student loan as the next serious debt reduction target, it is time to set some goals related to how we want to accomplish that.”
Financial Education
Charles H. Green presents Decaying Social Trust and Moral Indignation posted at Trust Matters, saying, “Distressed homeowners are facing a growing chorus of advice to walk away from predatory subprime mortgages as bad business debt. Before you make this kind of decision, let’s explore the ramifications.”
Rio Rivas presents How much should I save in my rainy day fund? posted at Get Financially Fit!.
Harrine Freeman presents Finance and Money Tips for Couples posted at The Debt Reducer Expert’s Blog.
Jose DeJesus MD presents Improve Investment and Financial Results – Simplify and Conquer posted at Physician Entrepreneur.
Lisa Spinelli presents Stock Market Investing Tips 101: #8- A Legendary Stock Watch Worksheet posted at Greener Pastures.
Aussie Investor presents What Is Personal Finance? posted at Money Management Personal Finance Blog, saying, “This article is an introduction to personal finance. What is it and why is it important?”
The next video is from the popular podcast, Wallstrip talking about dividend stock Coca-Cola.
Goal Setting
Warren Wong presents What Commiting To Something Means And Why You Should Do It posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying, “Here are good reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid of commitment.”
Robert Phillips presents Lessons Learned from the G-Men posted at CYBERCA$HOLOGY.
TDG Madison presents Big Goals for 2008! posted at My Dollar Plan.
JMSherer presents Writing a Personal Philosophy and Mapping your Goals posted at Living Infinitely.
TDG Brip Blap presents meeting my 2008 financial goals posted at brip blap, saying, “Steve interviews himself on his success – or lack thereof – in meeting his 2008 financial goals so far. He’s quite tough on himself.”
Here is one that I am sure will catch the guy’s attention. There are some good basic fundamentals embedded in this interview!
InvestorBlogger presents A Man With A Plan: Ways to create additional income posted at InvestorBlogger, saying, “10 different ways to create streams of income: These are real world ways and do work. So you don’t have to rely on your primary job at all.”
Raymond Le Blanc presents Creating Wealth posted at Cranendonck Coaching.
Jose DeJesus MD presents Investing – Taking Advantage of Market Uncertainty posted at Physician Entrepreneur.
KCLau presents Withdraw EPF Money for Home Loan Installment: How it affects your Retirement Fund posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “An article on using EPF money for financing a home loan”
The Investor presents How to harvest wheat and mine gold using ETCs posted at Monevator.com, saying, “By buying commodities you can therefore diversify your portfolio over the long-term so it’s less dependent on the returns from shares. You might also hope to trade commodities, if you think you can buy when they’re priced low and sell when they’re high.”
Investing Angel presents How To Avoid A Stock Scam posted at Stock Tips, saying, “There are a lot of pundits out there that offer investing tips for a fee. While some of these investing services may be well worth the money, others are scams are certainly close to a scam.”
CheapCanuck presents Low Income Earners – It might be time to get those dividends rolling in posted at CHEAP CANUCK, saying, “Maximizing the tax benefits of different investment vehicles for low income earners”.
Joe Hitchem presents Stamps – A Sticky Investment posted at Start Stamp Collecting, saying, “How to collect stamps as an investment!”
FIRE Getters presents Simple Strategies to Inflation Proof a Portfolio! posted at FIRE Finance.
TDG Cash Money Life presents March Goal – Fully Funding Our Roth IRAs posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “Here is my March goal – to fully fund a Roth IRA for myself and my wife.”
Abdulrasool Sumar presents A Close Look at 401k Retirement Plan – How It Works, Contributions, Withdrawals, Advantages/Disadvantagesposted at 401k, saying, “401k plan is a tax-deferred retirement savings plan that most large corporations and organizations have set up for their employees to help them save for their retirement.”
And for the last video of the day – one that is close to my heart.
Other (Related to Personal Finance)
Mr. Debtbeater presents Closing Old or Unused Bank Accounts | Debtbeater posted at Debtbeater, saying, “Want to simplify your messy list of accounts? Too much mail from old banks? Here’s a simple tip and summary of my experience consolidating my accounts.”
Personal Finance Claims presents How Credit Card Companies Are Making Millions Just By Overcharging posted at Personal Finance Claims.
TDG Sagar presents The Open Source Online Finance Guide: 50+ Freeware Online Tools to Manage Your Money posted at Smart Shopper: Personal Finance Advisor.
TDG Lynnae presents End of the Month Goals Update posted at beingfrugal.net, saying, “An update on my personal finance goals for the year.”
Real Estate
Joe Manausa presents Rent Versus Ownership – A Tallahassee Real Estate Case Study posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, “Much of the news media is focusing on the sub prime debacle and are claiming that real estate is not a sound investment at this time. They do not understand the cyclical nature of the real estate market. This entry analyzes the results of owning a home for the past 17 years versus leasing one. The numbers used are “real world” and demonstrate the value of long-term home ownership.”
ThePennySaved presents People Have their priorities wrong when it comes to retirement saving posted at The Penny Saved, saying, “A look at the right and wrong way to save for retirement. Includes some humor and pictures.”
TDG LIVING OFF DIVIDENDS presents Can You Retire On Less Than $3,000 A Month? posted at LIVING OFF DIVIDENDS, saying, “Can You Retire On Less Than $3,000 A Month?”
freefrombroke presents We Went to Our Accountant to Get Our Taxes Done posted at Free From Broke, saying, “We went to our accountant recently. As a result we’re changing our retirement planning.”
KCLau presents Don’t spend the money you don’t have, to buy the thing you don’t need, to please the people you don’t like! posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “How one can avoid spending the money one does not have thereby reducing the incidences of overspending”
That concludes this month’s edition of the Carnival of Financial Goals. Thanks to everyone who submitted – I am sorry I could not include all of them but that would have meant ~95 articles to host here!
Thanks for including my submission! Nice carnival!
Thanks for the carnival!
Thanks for hosting this month! 🙂
Thanks for including me in your editor picks! Fun videos!
Thanks for hosting such a great carnival and for including my post as an editor’s pick!
Great job with the carnival! Thanks for including me as an editor’s pick, too! Both Mr. Brip and Mr. Blap appreciate it 🙂