The year is almost over and it’s now time to look back at what we have done in 2014 and determine if we want to pursue our actions in 2015. I don’t know about you, but I’m very happy about my performance on the market this year. A few days before the end of the year, my total return for 2014 is 17.3% slightly under my 2013 performance at 21.70%. I’ve also increased my dividend payout by 21% compared to last year. I knew I could do well in 2014, but, I can’t ask for more!
I’ve been quieter lately because I was working on two projects; My Best 2015 Dividend Stocks small eBook including 20 US and 10 CDN dividend stocks fact sheet that will be available on January 1st and another project that I can’t yet announce. One thing I can tell you is that I’m coming back stronger with more posts in 2015 due to a shift in my schedule.
I’m now planning to retire from my day job at the age of 35, which is in two years. You read more about this crazy idea here and there. My investing platform, Dividend Stocks Rock is one of the reasons why I can achieve this goal. I truly intend to live from my passion; dividend investing!
I’ve also done extensive research in 2014 and came out with my 7 dividend investing principles, along with my case against high dividend yield stocks. After four years invested in dividend stocks, I’ve also wrote about six lessons I’ve learned from my recent experience.
I’ve always believed in having a solid investing strategy and that is my #1 advice for new investors. Without a clear plan, you will lose yourself and let your emotion trade your account. And this will lead to losses. I never look back after a trade even if a few of them are not unanimous with my readers (remember why I sold MCD and took a gamble on an oil related stock?). I will continue to follow my investing strategy in 2015 and will shortly share with you my views of both US and Canadian stock market for next year. But first, I want to hear from you;
How were your investments in 2014?
What do you think it’s coming in 2015?
Mike, I am lucky enough to make more with my investments than I spend, so I have no pressure. I was up about 8% for the year. I finally sold some gold and silver that I have been holding onto way too long and took some huge hits.
I just sold MO and HE, both of which are way over bought.
I can’t find anything I want to buy right now, so I am just going to hang on to the cash and wait for a correction.
Life is good. I always enjoy hearing from you.
Merry Christmas,
Retire at 35 from day job? Nice! I assume you’ll still run the online empire?
Congrats on the great year!
Thank you for all the great info and advice. Have learnt, and am still learning, a lot from your blog. All the best in the new year!
Retire at 35 sounds like a great idea! Can’t wait to hear more about your plans.
Hey Mike, congrats on retiring at 35! I thought I was early at 51. A 17.3% return for 2014 is relatively good! Merry Christmas and a Happy New year 2014 to you and loved ones.
Hello Joe,
living from your investment without having to withraw capital is awesome! Congrats on working so hard to build that nest egg!
@My Own Advisor,
Yes, in fact, my dividend membership site (DividendStocksRock) will definitely help me acheiving this goal
Tikiri, Tawcan, Michel, Thx for your kind words. I plan on sharing more about my plan in 2015 as we will move forward… retirement date is set to June 1st 2016
Wishing you the best of luck with your future plans. Your blog is always an interesting read. Merry Christmas!
2014 was an interesting year.
I start my own blog – some periods are more quiet than other – and I have also developed my own quality index.
More important, I clearly defined my objectives for the future: building a portfolio that will return on average 7% which will double my capital in 10 years. After this 10 years, I will be able to leave with the interest that will growth more than the inflation. A good financial plan is a minimum for any advisor.
As of today, my return on investment for 2014 is 11.85%, severely touched during the last month by the petroleum sector which represent 10% of my portfolio – now probably 6%.
My US part of my portfolio did much better than the Canadian side favorited by an increased of the U.S. dollar vs the Canadian dollar.
Finally, I want to wish you and your family the best wishes for 2015. Good return on investment but much more important, health and happiness.
Hello Hemgi,
sorry for the late reply, got 4 out of 5 members of my family with the flu in the past few days
I wish you health and wealth for 2015!