I don’t take much time to share my life as an entrepreneur these days and there is a very good reason for that: I prioritize. I hate when people say they don’t have the time to do this or that. I know that I wrote that I would update my other site, Chaos 1981, with my entrepreneurial journey, but I have just let it slide for the past quarter. The reason? I had plenty of time to work on this site… but I preferred to use it elsewhere. Since I don’t expect to use my time on this site for the upcoming quarter either, I thought it would be nice to let you know how it is when you work from home. Let’s start with the great news…
Record months
My favorite line since I started to work full time back in July 2017 is the following:
“Man, this month was better than last month…”
I’ve been using this line during each of my monthly meetings with my partner. So far, we have consistently beaten what we made last year. Each month is better than last year’s month. I’ve already written about my goal of doubling my revenue in 2018 from 2017. January 2017 was my second best month last year. I can tell you upfront that I did more than double that this year!
Of course, some of you received emails about my membership promotion during the 1st week of the year. I assume this is the small price you have to pay to register for my free newsletter. I will also keep offering lots of free content and great webinars and when I receive emails like the following, I think I’m doing a good job at building my membership site:
“I have just acted on something you mentioned and that I should have done along time ago. Your mention of “stop/sell” approaches that limit losses is something I have now done with all of our stocks. I have issues “stop/limit” orders on all holdings so my exposure is greatly reduced.
Memories of KMI make this very helpful.
My guess the value of our subscription has likely been covered already!
Thanks for your help!”
Dividend Stocks Rock is not just my business; it is a real tool helping real people making real money. In February, we will host three exclusive webinars for our members. No sales pitches, no promotions, just great content.
Web TV Interview
Back in December, I had my first live Web TV interview at Cheddar. I was nervous and I wasn’t fully comfortable. The interview went super-fast in my head and I was surprised by some questions. I’m telling you, I have great respect for those who do live interviews all the time!
But it appeared that I wasn’t that bad! Last week, I had the opportunity to do a radio interview and another appearance at Cheddar TV. This time, I think things went very well and I truly enjoyed my experience. You can see it here. Doing live webinars has helped me to control my stress and be ready for any kind of questions. The more I study the market, the more I write about it, the more I can articulate my thoughts and share them with an audience.
But if you get contacted by any media, don’t get your hopes up. The exposure brings a little bit of traffic and boosts your credibility, but it doesn’t change your life. You also have to be ready for any drawbacks. Imagine if you fail to answer properly during your interview because you are too nervous… that could cause your credibility to take quite a hit! I take each interview opportunity as a means to learn and improve my ability to discuss financial topics. So far, I certainly enjoy this part of my job!
300 Orcs down…
What do orcs have to do with an entrepreneur’s life? In my opinion, everything! Last week, I had a very productive and demanding Monday. I met with my Business Core Manager for a full day of brainstorming and process review. Then I met with my partner for our monthly meeting. During that day, we accomplished so much in so little time.
Then, on Tuesday, I woke up and felt completely dead. I had no energy whatsoever. I felt like I had a cold, but with no symptoms whatsoever. For three days, I couldn’t do much. I just didn’t feel like it, I was just very tired. But instead of doing “face time” in front of my computer all day and pretending I was working, I just decided to “call it a day”, went downstairs and I started my war against Orcs in Shadow of War, a very cool PlayStation game.
I don’t write this to brag that I’m making money while I’m playing video games. I don’t want you to believe that being an entrepreneur is easy either. It is quite the opposite. However, I want to highlight that, too often, we keep working even though we shouldn’t. Taking time to rest doesn’t make you a lazy person… it makes you a smart one!
Taking a three-day break in the middle of the week gave me enough time to “recharge my batteries” and attack Friday like there was no tomorrow. I obviously didn’t have enough time to do everything I wanted last week. But I was back “on fire” for the last day of the week and I know that this week, I will crush it.
So next time you don’t feel well, don’t push yourself for nothing. Take a break and come back stronger. Come play some Orcs with me in the meantime!
Congrats on doubling the revenue from last January! That’s awesome.
Glad to hear you were feeling better by the end of the week.
Great recommendation for people to relax when they aren’t feeling well. You’re going to get healthier faster and you keep everyone else from getting sick too.
Plus, we all need a little downtime once in a while.
Today I just had a crazy productive day! It pays off to relax!