Welcome Some of the Best DGI and FIRE Guests!
We believe in empowering investors. While dividend growth investing is our chosen path, we are pleased to get inspiration from others who made it. Our guests all have something in common: they decided to build their own lifestyle and found ways to achieve it. Mike, and now Vero, leads the discussion for these sporadic interviews.
The information contained in this podcast should not be considered buy or sell recommendations. Please read the full disclaimer here.
Guest Episodes
Planning Retirement with Active Investing–Joseph Hogue
We explore active investing with Joseph Hogue, who combines ETFs, bonds, REITs, and even penny stocks. Let’s dive into his investing philosophy, asset allocation, and the strategy behind his 3-5 year holding periods.
Beyond FIRE: Liquid’s Journey, Challenges, and Life After Work
We reconnected with Liquid, who achieved FIRE at 35. But what happens after the dream is realized? We dive into his life post-FIRE and discuss how he manages his time, finances, and investments. Liquid opens up about unexpected challenges and the reality of maintaining purpose beyond a career.
You can follow Liquid on his YouTube Channel
Investing at 14 and FI by 20 – Emmanuella’s Inspirational Story
Emmanuella is not yet an adult but aims to reach financial independence by her 20s! She will share her uncommon story, goals, and investment process. What strikes us the most about her, though, is her focus and engagement with her objectives.
Empowering Disabled Investors – Jane’s Journey at DSR
Jane is a retiree living comfortably thanks to her dividend growth stocks portfolio, despite only starting in her 50s! Her journey is inspiring, especially knowing how she turned some of her family’s challenges into an expertise that now helps others in her surroundings! Learn about DTC, RDSP, and an admirable woman!
Worry-Free Retirement with Kyle Prevost
We welcome Kyle Prevost, a personal finance teacher and an online entrepreneur. He is well-known for his blog Million Dollar Journey and the Financial Canadian Summit. Today, he shares his life as an expat, his thoughts on retirement and annuities, and presents us with his new course, Worry-Free Retirement. Have a listen!
Learn more about Kyle’s course Worry-Free Retirement
How to Start Investing – Newcomer Investor Interview
Anthony, aka Newcomer Investor, is proof that anyone can start investing! He created his portfolio in his twenties with no financial background. Driven by his passion, Anthony learned by taking action. He decided to share his path with us, the foundation of his investment and his thoughts on his favorite holdings.
Subscribe to Newcomer Investor Show!
Dividend Growth with European DGI
European DGI shares much in common with Mike: a long-term perspective, a clear investment strategy, and a focus on the investment thesis. Still, a similar investment strategy can be interpreted differently. Here’s an exciting chat between two passionate investors on DGI and some of their favorite picks.
Too Rich to Be Stressed – An Interview with Dividend John
After 20 years of investing, Dividend John has a portfolio of 1.4 million, generating 65K in dividends. The author of the book Too Rich to Be Stressed wanted a comfortable financial situation and achieved it with a simple, straightforward, easy-to-apply strategy. Today, he shares his journey!
Too Rich to Be Stressed Book by Dividend John
FIRE and Dividend Investing with Bob Lai Aka Tawcan
Bob Lai is a Canadian dividend investor who chronicles his quest for financial independence and joyful life. He and his wife started building their dividend portfolio in 2011. Today, their portfolio generates over $3,400 in dividends per month. Here is Bob’s journey to FIRE and his approach to investing in dividend growers.
Download his free spreadsheet on How to Make a Dividend Portfolio.
How to Reach Your Financial Goals with Mental Models – Liquid Interview
Liquid has created a net worth of $2M in only 14 years of work-life but he doesn’t talk about numbers at all. Rather, he insists on mental models and the philosophical approach needed to accomplish any investment or financial goal. Here is his story as well as his best tips to reach Financial Independence early.
You can follow Liquid on his YouTube Channel or on his blog
How to Invest in Real Estate and Reach FIRE with Tracy Ma
Tracy is passionate about real estate investment and she’s into the FIRE movement. She shares her personal journey, as well as strategies and tricks to start investing in real estate, which turn out to be similar to a dividend growth investing strategy and buying process! You’ll also love how she approaches things differently.
Download Tracy’s free real estate investing toolkit including a step-by-step checklist!
Mike Being a Guest
Compounding with Guy & Matt
Guy & Matt welcomed Mike for an interesting take on dividend stocks, portfolio management, and side hustles to escape the rat race.
Full Interview on Dose of Dividend with Doctor Dividend
The two podcasters discussed how Mike started investing, his background as an underwriter, and the crazy leap he took to becoming an investor. Learn more about stocks to consider in Canada and industries Mike wouldn’t invest in.
Interview on Dividend Talk
In this episode, we talk about $UL and $MSFT and some of your typical Canadian stocks. A fun chat between knowledgeable investors!
How to Invest when There’s Massive Inflation
Mike had lots of fun on Financial Mama’s YouTube Podcast. He deep dived on how to hedge your stock portfolio in Canada in high inflationary environment, how to build a dividend growth portfolio in canada, dangers of split shares and covered call etfs and more!
About Mike
Since 2003, Mike has been 100% invested in equities. He shifted his entire portfolio into a dividend growth investing strategy in 2010. Mike worked in the financial industry for several years, including 5 years as a certified financial planner and 5 years as a private banker. He decided to leave the corporate banking world at age 35 because his ultimate goal was to help more investors succeed. In 2013, he founded Dividend Stocks Rock, a service that now guides around 3,000 investors down the path of success using a Dividend Growth Investing model. He is followed by over 55,000 people and counts 13,000+ webinar attendees to date.
About Vero
Vero completed her Communications college degree in 2007. During the first years of her career, she mainly worked in the marketing field for a newspaper and a large high-end furniture store, where she learned to adapt to the fast-changing advertising world. In 2010, she made the bold move of working in the “blogosphere” alongside Mike. This life-changing decision opened the doors of dividend growth investing for Vero. She quickly turned into Mike’s second brain and has held the Core Business & Marketing Manager position since the foundation of Dividend Stocks Rock in 2013. Throughout the years, she has discovered a high interest in investing and believes in investors’ empowerment.
Full disclaimer: The information contained within this podcast is for informational purposes only and it is not intended as a recommendation of the securities highlighted or any particular investment strategy; nor should it be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security. In addition, this information is not represented or warranted to be accurate, correct, complete, or timely. The securities mentioned in this podcast may not be suitable for all types of investors and the information contained in this podcast does not constitute advice. Before acting on any information in this email, readers should consider whether such an investment is suitable for their particular circumstances, perform their own due diligence, and if necessary, seek professional advice.