As a result of leaving my current job, I will be provided with the option to roll my current pension savings into my registered investment account. What happens is the pension provider, Manulife Financial, will send me a package within 4-6 weeks that outlines the procedures and includes all the necessary forms to transfer the money. As of right now, the money will be deposited into my CSA RSP account and I will need to decide where this money will be invested.
This is going to be a perfect opportunity to walk you all through the process that I go through to select my investments. I am going to walk through each step that I take and provide you with full visibility to my decision process.
I am not doing this to tell you how to select stocks. Please do not take this as advice. I am only providing you with the process I go through to manage my portfolio. I would like to hear your feedback on my process along the way. This is a ‘living’ process and must adapt and adjust to ensure it constantly gets better and better. Stay tuned for the first post in the series, “The Dividend Guy’s Guide to Building a Dividend Portfolio”.
Can you please update the link to my blog to
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I’m a regular reader of your blog, and am impressed with your content.
When you have a moment, please email me:
(I have some ideas that might help both of our blogs…)
I run “Shai Dardashti on Grahamian Value” – a site devoted to Value Investing, Warren Buffett, and – of course – Ben Graham.
Since July the site has recorded 35,000 page views from 42 countries (including Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Australia, Thailand, etc.)
Thank you,
Shai Dardashti